Nav Srishti – Plan India & Barclay’s response to Covid-19
In India, the poor are always an afterthought. It seems strange, given that it is a country where millions of people live in extreme poverty, but that is how things have always been. It wasn’t any different on Tuesday night (24th March) either, when the Indian Government announced a nationwide lockdown for a period of 21-days to curb the spread of coronavirus. With over 80% of India’s workforce employed in the informal sector and one-third working as casual labour, Covid-19’s spread and subsequent unplanned lockdowns, have created economic havoc in the lives of millions. The economic situation resulting from the lockdown that is necessary to contain the spread of the virus, will affect even those who will escape Covid-19.
The decision, although necessary, wasn’t inclusive of many marginalized sections of the society like daily wage laborers, the homeless population, beggars, slum-dwellers, several low-income groups as well as the elderlies who live alone. Also, as we enter the lockdown phase it is becoming increasingly evident that the true challenge for such people won’t be to evade the coronavirus but just to get enough food to stay alive.
Suraksha Program (Respond to COVID19)
The most effective way to combat an epidemic is through prevention of the spread of the disease. Therefore, Nav Srishti with the huge support from Barclays and Plan India distributed the basic hygiene, educational and nutrition supplies along with mass education campaigns to reach out to the most vulnerable set of communities in urban & rural areas in the Delhi NCR including Holambhi Kalan Village, Jahangirpuri, Bawana, Noida and Greater Noida under the Suraksha Program. Nav Srishti supported 11338 families directly through the direct intervention under the Suraksha program in Delhi NCR.

Distribution dry ration and hygiene kits in Holambhi Kalan, Bawana and Jahangirpuri
We all are aware that COVID19 outbreak affected all human dimensions and people are living under fear. Unemployment, Poor health care system, Disruptive education access, loss of saving and income, poverty, migration, stress are the ultimate result of COVID19. As livelihood of the people has been severely affected during the lockdown period due to unavailability of work it is becoming difficult for poor and low income communities to procure food and other essential goods that are needed for survival. In order to ensure food security to these marginalized and vulnerable communities, the project distributed 6241 dry ration kit that solved the food problem of the communities for 15-20 days per family along with a Personal Protective
Equipment kit (mask, soap, gloves, Floor cleaner, sanitary pad, hand wash etc.) as part of its hygiene kit to 6241 needy families whose livelihoods have been severely impacted due to lockdown period in the country due to outbreak of COVID-19. It is important to mention that the project followed the approach and recommendation of WHO and Government of India to take all possible precautions while distributing dry ration & Hygiene kits to families to curb the spread of COVID19 in resettlement communities.

Distribution dry educational and hygiene kits in Holambhi Kalan and Noida
It is worth mentioning that a total 2831 education and hygiene kits were distributed to adolescent girls in Noida and Holambhi Kalan. There is no doubt that a country lockdown adversely impacted on the livelihood of the people and there are a number of people who belong to the daily hand to mouth category. It is reported while distribution, parents are unable to purchase stationary and hygiene materials to their girls because they did not have sufficient money. Most of the girls had decided to drop the study due to crises of money. These educational and hygiene kits supported 2831 adolescent girls so that they could continue their study and also their families could protect from COVID19. Various stakeholders including DIOS (District Inspector of Schools), School Principals, Teachers and Village head representative showed the active participation during the entire planning and distribution.