APR had been actively working on the ground regarding the implementation of Child Rights Laws, Policies, and Programme through evidence-based advocacy.
Over the years, APR has witnessed many shortcomings, they are specified below:
Issues in getting admissions through EWS quotas
Inaccessibility of schools for children with disabilities
Gender Discrimination, the poor literacy rate among girl child
Early marriages, child marriage, no schooling after attaining puberty due to various religious practice
Admissions denials in schools on the basis of unavailability of Aadhar Card
Poor conditions of midday meals and accessibility of toilets
Safety of children in schools, issues of SMC members
School dropouts among children
Quality Education and infrastructure
Missing children
Child Abuse and Child Labour
Poor learning outcome among children till secondary education and many others
Safety of children inside and outside the school’s premises
Nav Srishti is one of the alliance partner of this network. Currently Mrs. Reena Banerjee is convener of this alliance network. Last year a massive campaign against Child sexual abuse was launched with help of all alliance network. On the issue of missing children Nav Srishti has played a key role in escalating this matter for state level advocacy. As Nav Srishti have been working on the issue of missing children since 2006 after the formation of APR and its alliance with us through mass campaigning, advocacy and state level planning this issue came in notice.