Nav SrishtiNav SrishtiNav Srishti

Child Centered Community Development Program

Our Programme

Child Centred Community Development Programme (CCCD)

Nav Srishti has been working under this programme in partnership with Plan India in Holambi Kalan, Metro Vihar phase-1, Metro Vihar phase-2 and Metro Khurd. Plan India” has been providing financial as well as strategic and academic inputs for Child Centred Community Development Programme since July 2008. We have reached approximately 10,800 families covering, more than 20000 children under this programme. The programme has an objective to work on right based approach in which children, families, youths and communities are active and leading participants in their own development. It enhances their capacity and opportunity to work together with other to address the structural causes & consequences of child poverty at all levels. Children and their families are mainly benefitted through the programme. CCCD is better understood as combination of programme, selection, design, method, relationship involvement & competencies that are sensitive & tailored to a particular context.

We are working on 7 domains to achieve the goal that are:

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene(WASH)
Early Childhood Care and Development(ECCD)
Household economy and security(HES)
Disaster reduction and Management(DRM)
Child Protection & Child Participation