The 45 NGOs of Delhi whom are working for the child rights came together for the advocacy is to ensure policy change, effective legislations and improved services by way of quality, coverage, budgets and institutions for the young child. It includes interventions at national and state levels and dialogue with a range of decision and opinion makers. build alliances with academic institutions, women’s organisations and other citizens’ groups, and work with communities, to build pressure from the ground up.
Nav Srishti is the one of the member of the Neevn Delhi Forces. It first increase the capacity of the partner to understand the issues and than all makes strategy for the advocacy. Pilot projects and campaign are the part of the strategy. To implement the following strategies to enhance supply and strengthen demand for quality childcare services:
Creating awareness around child related issues.
Building community groups and mobilising a common voice around childcare.
Enabling young families to adopt best childcare practices.
Delivering comprehensive childcare services through a replicable day care model.
Strengthening the flagship government programme, the ICDS, for quality and coverage.