Reena Banerjee, Founder Secretary & Chief Functionary, Nav Srishti
Before 1994 for 10 years, I was working with Shakti Shalini. During my tenure of work I realized that the only way the women could get rid of the injustices is through education, skill development and awareness towards their own rights. Hence my conscious decision was to work with women and children in the poor, backward and vulnerable areas and empower them to become more self- reliant and self- dependent human beings. I also embarked upon the plan of working with State authorities and mechanisms as they played a significant role in establishing the rights and providing entitlements of the most vulnerable sections- the women and the children.
In 1994, Nav Srishti was established and was dedicated towards preventing the violence, abuse, exploitation of women and children specifically in marginalized locations. Most of our programmes focus on protection, skill buildings and livelihood support to women and holistic development of children and adolescent girls. We seek to establish a society free from violence and non-discrimination against women and children. Over the last 30 years of our journey we are proud to say that more than 60000 girls and women whom we worked with has not only becomes self-dependent but are also working as a cadre of active citizen who are courageous enough to extend their supporting hands towards other women and children who faces oppression or violence in the society. We are committed to the dissemination of ideas of protection and developmental rights of children in various sectors of society.
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